
Most Active Stocks - Less Than $10 - Thursday Jan 23-2014

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Dow Jones
4,219 -24(0.57%)

Click to read - Gasoline prices set to rise next month, fall for year - This year is set to be another volatile one for gasoline, with higher pump prices likely in the next several weeks, but consumers may be left smiling in the end. The average U.S. price for regular gasoline fell in 2013 from the year before, and experts predict that prices are likely to fall again this year.

Click to read - Traders watching for signs to see if this selloff is the big one - U.S. stock prices could continue to correct, but it's too soon to say whether this is the big one. The 'big one' is relative, but several strategists have built a correction of 10 percent or more into their forecasts for this year. Still, they mostly expect the market to move higher and end the year with gains.

Click to read - 
Why Americans Still Can't Escape The Recession - With the economy's growth rate over 4 percent, it may be time for people to stop asking when things are going to get better. This may be the best this recovery is going to do, so it is important to adjust your financial habits accordingly.