
Most Active Stocks - Less Than $10 - Monday Oct 14, 2013

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AMD      NOK      RAD 

AA      JCP


ARIA      SIRI      CNDO   



Click to readChina central bank underlines reform push with record yuan despite weak exports - China's central bank appears to have underlined its commitment to currency reform by allowing the yuan to set record highs against the dollar despite signs of unexpected weakness in exports. The yuan hit a second consecutive record intraday high of 6.1011 on Tuesday, after the People's Bank of China set its mid-point - the center of the currency's 2 percent daily trading band - at an all-time peak the previous day.

Click to read - Senate Debt-Limit Deal Emerging With Time Running Short - Senate leaders are poised to reach an agreement as early as today to bring a halt to the fiscal standoff, and now must race the clock to sell the plan to lawmakers before U.S. borrowing authority runs out this week. The emerging deal would stave off a potential default, end the 15-day-old government shutdown and change the immediate deadlines in favor of three new ones over the next four months. It’s far from complete as the Senate may delay passing the plan and House Republicans may seek to block or change it.

Click to read - Nobel Prize Shows Both Wisdom and Madness of Crowds - Financial markets provide a useful reminder of just how humble we economists should be about our understanding of the world. The three winners of the 2013 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences neatly capture this tension.

Click to read  Top Reasons Forex Traders Fail - Many of the factors that cause forex traders to fail are similar to those that plague investors in other asset classes. The simplest way to avoid some of these pitfalls is to build a relationship with other successful forex traders who can teach you the trading disciplines required by the asset class, including the risk and money management rules required to trade the forex market. Only then will you be able to plan appropriately and trade with the return expectations that keep you from taking excessive risk for the potential benefits.