
Most Active Stocks - Less Than $10 - Wednesday Jan 22-2014

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Dow Jones

Click to read - Five Things To Know About The World Economic Forum - The World Economic Forum (WEF) takes place in Davos, Switzerland this week and some 2,500 world leaders from more than 100 countries will gather to talk about current challenges and risks to the global economy.

Click to read - 'Fastest ever' broadband passes speed test - The "fastest ever" broadband speeds have been achieved in a test in London, raising hopes of more efficient data transfer via existing infrastructure. Alcatel-Lucent and BT said speeds of 1.4 terabits per second were achieved during their joint test - enough to send 44 uncompressed HD films a second.

Click to read - 
The Alphabet Soup Of Stocks - If you've ever watched financial TV or read financial papers, you may have heard of classifications like cyclical, growth and income stocks. As if the difference between preferred and common stocks wasn't enough, now more categories are adding to the confusion! In this article, we'll try to replace the confusion with some clarity and logic.

Most Active Stocks - Less Than $10 - Tuesday Jan 21-2014

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AMD     JCP     CIM






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Dow Jones

Click to read - How To Invest Like A Hedge Fund - Ever wonder how hedge funds think and how they are sometimes able to generate explosive returns for their investors? You aren't alone. For years, hedge funds have retained a certain level of mystery about them and the way they operate; and for years, public companies and retail investors have tried to figure out the methods behind their (sometimes) apparent madness.

Click to read - Introduction to Margin Accounts - A margin account is a way to leverage the capital and securities you own to purchase additional investments without having to invest any additional capital. You simply borrow from your broker to buy more securities. The broker will charge you interest on the borrowed money and use all the securities (those already in your margin account and the ones you just bought) as collateral.

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How To Profit During High Inflation - Anyone with a technical degree will admit that college programmed them to consider "sell" a dirty word—to think salespeople use trickery to lure consumers into buying things they don't need. It makes no difference whether it's an investment product or a Pet Rock; anyone involved with selling or its evil twin marketing is guilty until proven innocent.